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If collecting is about finding objects that speak to us on a personal level, then for many our strongest memories are tied to the celebrities and popular entertainment of the past. From literary masterpieces, unforgettable albums, cult movies and iconic television shows, it is hardly surprising that vintage entertainment in all its forms remains one of the most vibrant collectable fields around.
It is a chance to light-heartedly reassess our youth and revel in the classics. It is a chance to own the very costumes of characters that changed our way of thinking, and it is a chance to keep alive the way we felt the first time this entertainment was offered up to us – no matter how goofy or outdated it all may appear now!
- Alan Weston
- Alex Ross
- Anna Razumovskaya
- Annie Shaw
- Antonio Russo
- April Shepherd
- Beryl Cook
- Blandine Anderson
- Bob & Roberta Smith
- Bob Dylan
- Boris O'Klein
- Brenda King
- Brian Irving
- Brian Willsher
- Camilla Dowse
- Carl Payne
- Carl Scanes
- Carol Gillan
- Charles Perry
- Chloe Nugent
- Chris & Steve Rocks
- Christian Hook
- Claire Grose
- Clare Sykes
- Craig Alan
- Craig Allen
- Csilla Orban
- Danielle O'Connor Akiyama
- Darren Baker
- David Blackburn
- David Body
- David Osborne
- David Shepherd
- Debbie Boon
- Diederik Van Apple
- Donald Hamilton Fraser
- Dora Holzhandler
- Doug Hyde
- Duncan MacGregor
- Dylan Izaak
- Eduardo Paolozzi
- Emma Davis
- Fabian Perez
- Fiona Banner
- Gary Benfield
- Gary Hodges
- Gary Hume
- Gerhard Merfort
- Gordon King
- Govinder Nazran
- Graham Clarke
- Hayley Goodhead
- Helen Bradley
- Henderson Cisz
- Henry Moore
- Hilary Burnett Cooper
- J M Reyes
- Jack Rigg
- Jack Vettriano
- James Bartholomew
- Jen Allen
- Jennifer Hogwood
- Jennine Parker
- Jeremy Dickinson
- Jim Dowie
- Joan Miró
- John Armstrong
- John Horswell
- John Myatt
- John Piper
- John Swannell
- John Trickett
- Kerry Darlington
- L.S. Lowry
- Lucy Young
- Lynn Rodgie
- Mackenzie Thorpe
- Mark Spain
- Markus Haub
- Michael Simpson
- Neil Nelson
- Nick Andrew
- Nick Holdsworth
- Philip Gray
- Philip Raskin
- Raymond Campbell
- Robin Coleman
- Roy Barrett
- Roz Wilson
- Russell Flint
- Samantha Ellis
- Sherree Valentine Daines
- Snaffles
- Steve Kaufman
- Stewart Beckett
- Terence Cuneo
- Tom Murray
- Tony Smith
- Trevor Lawrence
- Zinsky
dylan izaak (british, c20th) -queen of the castle- limited edition windsor print & coa
Queen of the Castle Dylan Izaak (British, 20th century), ‘Queen of the Castle’, Windsor Castle, large limited edition colour print, framed. Issued...
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